Web app that renders the price history and volume charts of stocks.


Stock Chart Visualizer was a final project completed during CSE 115, my first computer science course at UB. In CSE 115, we were assigned to complete a web app that utilized at least one public API and library.

The plan

Since one of the recommended APIs was the IEX Cloud API, I planned on creating a simple website that would show the price history of stocks.

What I did

Since this was an intro CS course, we used Replit, an online IDE that was easy to learn and get into. It handled all the deployment and packages for us so it was easy to get set up and working on the project.

To render the price and volume charts, I used Python to fetch and parse data from the IEX Cloud API. This data is then used in an API route through bottle.py. I then used AJAX requests to the IEX Cloud API, parsed the data to plot.ly


I received a full score on the project and finished the class with an A.

Key takeaways

This was my first ever project related to programming and computer science, so there was a lot to learn and concepts to get used to.

I received an introduction to how basic web apps work, learning topics like API routes, serving static files, utilizing query parameters, HTTP/AJAX requests, and utilizing third-party libraries.